Just look at the damn weather!! The sun's causing up a huge 'heatwave' that's driving all of us indoors and making us all look damn stupid sweating like shit! Argh.
But I was nice! I cleaned up my room this morning and cleared only 2 bags of rubbish. Now there's alot of space freed up. Woohoo.. Plus I used the cleaning wipe like nobody's business and managed to reduce like 5-6 of them to piles of dust. Yup, that corner, this corner, and the fan... I didn't even bother to clean up on CNY eve. Talk about Labour Day.
And Aunt sms-ed me this morning! Just when I was tossing around refusing to admit that it was time to wake up, she sms-ed and asked me to do her hair! For a dinner tonight.. Finally, after like so long, I get to flex my hands and fingers! haha.. *beams (but do not emit rays like the sun)*
We were back to rock the house yesterday! Though it wasn't as fun as it was last Friday, as there were many IRRELEVANT people around that took up sooo much time.. Not to mention the fact that some silly people decided to practise in sequence and made everyone at the back wait. HELLO? Hadn't it been for the fact that we started early, could we have finish in time? This world doesn't just revolve around your ugly little butt and big cannon, you know that? And demanding that people give you the headphones just 'cos it's on the shoulders and not on the head isn't that nice!
And it's just good that not everyone's taking radio next sem and we don't have to do this stupid sequence stuff so early again. Your big cannon better don't aim at my way for the next 指导性呈现,cos it's just not going to work and you're just gonna prove that you're more stupid. -.-
Oh ya, and it's sad you were passed over for the honour of being the best SPeaker. Oops.