At Commonwealth Station.. Meeting time was supposed to be 2.10, but we somehow managed to leave the station at close to 3. Ya, sorta a miracle 0.0
The fishes were crowding around our feet!!! There was a dis-infection process before we could put our feet inside. The fishes would crowd around and feed on your dead skin.
Getting more and more....
Taken by the friendly staff called Angela. (And somehow after helping Auntie for a few months, I can totally understand the kind of dreaded feeling when some tai-tai just walks in and gives that attitude and aloof face. What for??? 0.0)
The scrubbing moment!!
And SH having her feet mask..
Our last few mins there.... Angela the friendly lady... Who chatted with us during the whole session..
Ooh... SH having her wishes...
Huisi: We all know her wishes.. lol
Group photo!!
And Gaoxiao and I!!! hahaha.... XD
Anyway, hope all of you people had fun!!!
By the way the dreaded moment is upon us 00.00 Radio has been changed to 6-10. Which means ..... 7 hr break after Chen Ying!!!!!!!!! Gosh..... Better score better for this module la.... LOL
With any luck (and money) we can go to feed the fishes every Thursday... yeah
And Fillet baked a great cake!! haha... Though it's unforgivable that she just occupied 10kg of my luggage la.... Maybe should force you to let me help you wash and blow everyday, if not every other day... ha...